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Neuroaesthetics studies what happens to the brain when expressing and experiencing beauty & art. There is growing  research, including personal accounts from our own clients, that shows how beauty can deliver powerful health, well-being and longevity benefits. Our environment has always "spoken" to our human beings over thousands of years, and continues to do so.  Without us even being aware, our nervous system responds subliminally to our environment - 95% are subconscious thoughts and reflexes. Ultimately our senses send cues to our brain and nervous system that affect the way we think, feel, and act in that space.  


Beauty is necessary to our mental, emotional, and physical wellness. Neuroaesthetics explores the intricacies of how our brain and body positively respond to art and a thoughtfully designed room. 

Click on each principle below to learn more about the different ways we factor neuroaesthetics into each and every space.   


"Successful" spaces translate to success in your life.  Our clients receive raises and promotions, they become closer with their families, and they've even told us that they physically feel better.  We've also learned that businesses with biophilic design enjoy 25% increase in sales and productivity.  As an SIDC Certified Interior Designer in neuroaesthetics, we carefully create customized environments filled with love & luxury to promote health, wealth and happiness.

Elan Design is proud to be an expert in neuroaesthetics, and has partners within the industry to incorporate current technology in lighting and sound systems, along with quality, customizable goods into every space.  Here are some of the ways Elan Design is bringing the power of interior design & fine art to our clients and industry colleagues.

I love that Eryn is one of those rare people that is able to, very succinctly, take something that feels big and kind of gray and kind of cloudy, and bring it down to summing it up in a sentence. ... As garden variety human, that makes sense to me. -- LuAnn Nigara

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